
7 Spielman Road • Fairfield, NJ 07004

Periodontal Considerations for Antibiotics in Dentistry and Complications of Surgery




This program can be attended as either a :

LIVE INTERACTIVE webinar or Attend at the School OR Attend at our School 

We follow all the CDC/State Guidelines for Vocational Schools 

This program will satisfy  the Pharmacology  NJ Board mandatory topic requirement.

Course Description:

Antibiotics in Dentistry- An update on current thoughts of when to prescribe
This course is an update on the current literature of when to prescribe and which antibiotics to prescribe for dental infections. As a dentist, hygienist and even dental assistants should be aware of the medications a patient is taking.  It is also incumbent that the dentist be aware of the side effects and convey this to the patient.  You should update at every treatment session. Your records should indicate any allergies  The latest on which patients need antibiotic prophylaxis. What are the alternative antibiotics and risks associated with antibiotics.
Medications that affect the oral cavity and how to manage these patients.
A second part to this course is once again updating a patient’s medical history including their medications. The complications of patients who are on “blood thinners” and to be aware of their actions.  Unlike Coumadin, others such as Eliquis have no antidote.  Preparing for surgical procedures and dealing with post operative bleeding will be discussed.  Other medications for high blood pressure, calcium channel blockers can cause gingival overgrowth making the patient more susceptible to caries and periodontal disease.  Osteoporosis medications can result in jaw necrosis.

Credits:       3 CEUs

Instructor: Dr. Marc Goldman

Dr. Marc Goldman completed his BS degree at The American University in Washington, DC in 1979 and his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from The New York University College of Dentistry in 1979.  Dr. Goldman then completed his certificate in Periodontics at Rutgers University Dental School (formerly the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Dental School) in 1982.  Dr. Goldman is active in the American Dental Association, New Jersey Dental Association, Essex County Dental Association, American Academy of Periodontology,  New Jersey Society of Periodontists, Newark Dental Club and the Garden State Society of Periodontics and Implantology. Dr. Goldman is the Chairman of the Department of Periodontics at Newark Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, NJ where he oversees the periodontal training of the General Practice Residents.  He has published articles in the Journal of the American Academy of Periodontics and Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association.  He lectures nationally

Requirements to attend a live webinar:

  1.  You will need a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer to view it. If using a smartphone or tablet, it is best to have the app for the program on your device (i.e. Zoom).
  2.  To verify your continued attendance during the class, you will need a microphone, webcam or the ability to type into the program’s live chat.
  3.   Instructors or school personnel will take attendance periodically throughout the class.
  4.   Instructors may call on participants.
  5.  To verify attendance, a code word may be given sometime during the class.
  6. You will be required to complete and return an evaluation after the course has ended. The evaluation may ask what code word was given.
  7.  You may not receive your Certificate of Completion if we cannot verify your attendance.

Webinar invitations are emailed to registered students as the course date nears (approximately one day prior to the class).

Certificates of Completion are emailed to students approximately 5 business days after the course for those attending via live interactive webinar.

This program is for the full dental staff – no prior skills are needed to attend.

The teaching method will be in a lecture format with a Q & A period.

DSI Staff or administration do not have any commercial interest or relationship to the speaker.

The content and format of the Continuing Education course is presented without commercial bias and does not claim superiority of any commercial product or service.  No DSI Staff have any financial relationship with the speaker or company.

Dental Studies Institute is ADA CERP recognized provider, #07394037. The formal continuing education program of this sponsor are accepted by AGD for Fellowship/Mastership credit. The current term of acceptance extends for 03/03/1994 to 12/31/2024. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Dental Studies Institute designates each activity for continuing education credits. Credits are listed in each course description

Additional information


Attend at our School: Wed. Sept. 11, 2024 Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pm, Live Webinar: Wed. Sept. 11, 2024 Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pm